Tuesday, April 25, 2006

From This.....To This In 3 Bangs

What a weird couple of days. I've spent the better part of the last 3 months majorly looking forward to my 'summer' holiday in Egypt, then I get the news of last night's bombings there. It looks like it was westerners that were targeted, and we decided that going there in May was perhaps too much of a risk to take at this time. I feel defeated though. I was immediately in two minds. If we cancelled, that would mean that the bombers had got their way, but then again your life or livelihood is a large price to pay for defiance. I'm also annoyed at the western politicians who have recently heightened tensions in the region by sabre rattling in Iran's general direction. I have no doubt that this latest atrocity was partly motivated by this and in retaliation for the atrocities being committed in Iraq on a daily basis.
We contacted our tour operator and they kindly agreed to change our destination. We're now on our way to Florida for a fortnight. I can't help but smirk at the irony. If it hadn't been for those wrong button pressing numbskulls, or their corrupt vote-rigging state legislature, there would've been no Dubya, no war on terror (only someone as neanderthal as Bush would attempt to wage war on a noun...), no 'Liberation' of Iraq, and probably no bombing of tourists in Egypt....and therefore my holiday would no doubt have proceeded as normal. You gotta love them. I suppose on the scale of things, Apollo 11 will be similarly spectacular to the Pyramids, if 6,500 or so years younger.....

Friday, April 21, 2006

Groundhog Day

Does anyone ever get the feeling they shouldn't have got out of bed in the morning? I've had one of those kind of days today. When I got up, I knew that the stuff I hadn't finished at work last night was never going to be finished in time today, and the next guy, whose job it is to blend all of my labourious and often un-noticeable work into a polished thingy was going to be twiddling his thumbs with nothing to do...
I just transferred to this new job and much in that I'm loving it I was thinking just how stressful it can be to be completely removed from your comfort zone. You're both exhilarated and really terrified of the responsability. It's me that's soon going to be sitting in that chair, and right now, I'm wondering if I have the character and the ability to pull this off?? I'm pacifying myself in the knowledge that I've managed to swim in every ocean they've thrown me in thus far. But that self doubt is still there....it must be there in every one of us, or I suppose there'd be nothing driving us on to bigger and better things...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yep, That Was Easier Than I Thought....

I finally got round to setting this thing up, primarily because I'm making a total hash of everything else that I'm doing today, and it's taking my mind off of everything else that I'm supposed to be doing! Woohoo! First past the post. It must only get better from here on in!