From This.....To This In 3 Bangs

What a weird couple of days. I've spent the better part of the last 3 months majorly looking forward to my 'summer' holiday in Egypt, then I get the news of last night's bombings there. It looks like it was westerners that were targeted, and we decided that going there in May was perhaps too much of a risk to take at this time. I feel defeated though. I was immediately in two minds. If we cancelled, that would mean that the bombers had got their way, but then again your life or livelihood is a large price to pay for defiance. I'm also annoyed at the western politicians who have recently heightened tensions in the region by sabre rattling in Iran's general direction. I have no doubt that this latest atrocity was partly motivated by this and in retaliation for the atrocities being committed in Iraq on a daily basis.
We contacted our tour operator and they kindly agreed to change our destination. We're now on our way to Florida for a fortnight. I can't help but smirk at the irony. If it hadn't been for those wrong button pressing numbskulls, or their corrupt vote-rigging state legislature, there would've been no Dubya, no war on terror (only someone as neanderthal as Bush would attempt to wage war on a noun...), no 'Liberation' of Iraq, and probably no bombing of tourists in Egypt....and therefore my holiday would no doubt have proceeded as normal. You gotta love them. I suppose on the scale of things, Apollo 11 will be similarly spectacular to the Pyramids, if 6,500 or so years younger.....

Yay, a blog! Boo, President Bush. I would like to officially apologize to you and to the rest of the world for him. I didn't vote for him, that's for damn sure. And I wish I could do something more that what I am already doing to get him out of office. It's a long 8 years for us too.
P.S. -- Your profile picture wiggs me out.
Is that a good thing???
I fear that your clay-mation cat with red eyes will eat my soul.
But other than that, yeah, I like it.
Keep up the good work » » »
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »
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