Blah Blah Busy Blah Blah Knackered Blah Blah

I wont make any excuses, I haven't posted for ages cause I just couldn't be bothered. I had a great time on holiday in a little Spanish village on a mountainside up the back of Malaga. That's the first time in a while I've been away with other people, and whilst I may have got away with being a lazy sod had it just been the two of us, it wasn't to be the case. Plus being one of the only people in our party that can drive abroad, a lot of that fell to me. Driving in a foreign city isn't easy, but it's always worse when you're driving on the other side of the road. Why do the British have to do everything different from everyone else??
Still, it was a lot of fun, we cooked fresh food every day from the Malaga market. Our paella was (self-congratulatoraly) as good as anything you'd have got in a restaurant, and we chatted, drank loads of beer and wine, and went on pretty exciting excursions to Granada in the Sierra Nevada mountains, to see the Alhambra palace, and to Gibraltar. Alhambra was amazing. An arabic palace in to this date the historical furthest extent of the arabic empire. It's strange to think that until the 14th century, southern Spain belonged to the Arabs.
Gibraltar was bizarre, being as it is, part of Britain. we had to take our passports along in order to cross the 'border', and we could spend our pounds once across. It was weird aswell, as all the roadsigns, phoneboxes, shops and chippys were all the same as in Britain, even down to the bobby on the beat, with his bullet hardhat. We took a taxi up to the top of the Rock (one of the mythical pillars of Hercules) and could see right across the strait of Gibraltar to the other pillar a mountain called Ceuta in Morocco, my first sighting of the Continent of Africa. Plus, there was the added interest of the Gibraltarian apes, the only resident wild primates in the continent of Europe. (Phew, I'm not alone). The legend goes that if the Apes leave the rock, then British rule in Gibraltar will come to an end. They watch the apes like hawks, as the Gibraltarians are adamant they want to stay British, but the Spaniards want the rock back, and I'm sure they may have in the past tried to get rid of the monkeys to spook the inhabitants out!
Well anyway, I'm not going to make any grand sweeping promises about posting more often, I'll take it as it comes. I have thought of a few things that I could conceivably write about, but whether I do or not I shall leave to fate. That's just how I roll....