Goodness Gracious, Great Balls Of Fire!

Well, only last week it got so cold one evening that I had to put my heating back on having switched it off for the spring. So imagine our surprise here when we woke up yesterday and it was boiling. That sultry heat that everybody hates. Muggy.
Something had to give, and by god did it give. Bear in mind that Scotland is the least humid country on the face of this earth (I may be exaggerating slightly. I've told myself a billion times not to do that). Electrical storms are things that you get in the tropics! Not in the Gorbals! I heard the first flash and rumble while finishing off at work, and waited till the torrential rain had subsided before making a dash to my car. As soon as I was outside though, I became aware of an unusual scent. I know this probably sounds really weird, but it was like an abroad smell...? Fresh but foreign. Whilst speaking with my sis afterwards, she had mentioned a smell, and said it was like the smell when it had rained in Malta when we were on holiday with our folks when we were young. That was it. I was glad that I wasn't the only bampot that was aware of it. One of my work colleagues reckoned that it was ozone, as lightning apparently creates it? I dunno. Never having consciously smelled it I wouldn't know...
Anyway, it was one of the most violent and spectacular lightning displays I've ever seen, and this morning it became apparent that it had caused more problems for the Strathclyde fire brigade than your average Guy Fawkes night!!
This was taken by a guy from Sandyhills in the East End, which is about 5 minutes from my house
And this is at the botanic gardens, near my work
So all in all, an interesting evening. Apparently it was warm air from Spain colliding with the cold air that invariably hangs aboot here that caused it all. Oh well. It sure as hell entertained me for what was left of my evening!
Mmmmm...I love thunder and lightning storms. You should visit Philadelphia in the summer. We get tons of them. The best are the ones that come in the middle of the night.
Those are great pics. When I was younger, I used to go out to the local lake to sit in my car and watch lightening during thunderstorms. Not the smartest thing to do, I admit, but when you're 16 you think you can do anything. I love the lightening, but it makes me paranoid, because around here, thunderstorms mean tornadoes. I'm deathly afraid of tornadoes.
I'm not surprised you're scared of them. Especially after what happened last year. I'm just back from Florida and there were a couple of small beer 'tropical storms'when we were there. Quite violent!
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