A Little Zalvation

Talking of Birthdays, I thought as it's his birthday today, this would be a good time to namecheck the ludicrously under-rated Zal Cleminson, who aside from being both cool, and slightly scary, is probably my favourite guitarist of all time! I was thinking I had waited long enough to start foisting my strange musical taste upon anyone who happens upon this blog, and what a good way to start. As the lead guitarist of The Sensational Alex Harvey Band he shredded his way through every imaginable musical style, from straight up metal to swing, from 1930's jazz to polka, from glam rock to folk, they did it all until the sad death of Alex himself. Glaswegian legend that he was....I recommend them to anyone who has ears...even if they are a tad risque.
I also think it's extremely cool that I saw Zal the other night wandering up Byers Road, sadly not in his mime getup, but you can't have everything. Truly sensational.
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